
fruit bread

recipe: Fruit Bread

recipe tags: Australian

author: limboy

year: 2008 Sep 03

rating: 40

Fruit Bread


1 Tbsp Oil (Vegetable) 
2 cups Wholemeal Plain Flour 
1/4 cup Warm Water 
2 cups Boiling Water 
1 tsp Brown Sugar 
28g Yeast (Dried) (appx 2 packets) 
1 cup Oat Flakes or Rye flakes 
1 cup Apricots (Dried) 
1 cup Sultanas 
1 Tbsp Honey 
1 cup White Plain Flour 
1/2 cup Wheatgerm 
1/2 cup Bran (Unprocessed) 

instructions: Combine oats, apricots, sultanas, honey, oil and boiling water. Cover and leave until lukewarm. In a small bowl, combine yeast, sugar and warm water, stirring well. Leave for 5-10 minutes or until beginning to froth. Add yeast to oat/fruit mixture. Stir in remaining ingredients to form a soft dough. Place basin into a plastic bag and fasten loosely. Leave for 1-2 hours or until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down and form into two loaves. Place into greased tins, chosen so that dough comes about 2/3 way up the tin. (Alternatively, divide dough into three portions, roll each to a long piece and plait.) Cover with plastic bag or plastic wrap and leave until doubled again. Remove plastic and bake at 200 C for 15 minutes then reduce heat to 180 C and continue baking for 25-30 minutes (when cooked, loaf will sound hollow if tapped on bottom).